Casale Clocktower No 2 Italy

Michael Burnet Smith Art – Watercolour / Watercolor
Clocktower in Casali Italy No2, water colour, painting, michael burnet smith

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Size 38cm x 56cm

Casale Clocktower No2

Tuscany, Italy

Painted in 1983

This is the second in a series of two. Although there is the same kind of feel for how the moisture is coming through on the stairway…when you are looking at the clock tower from closer it is much less imposing than when you are further down in the village.

We were staying with my parents-in-law at the time in at their Italian Villa. The clock tower was a central point in the town.

The first painting has the clock tower in the distance. On the underside of a balcony or window sill there is groove called a drip…the drip was missing and so the water tracked back onto the wall and I liked the shabby chic of it… was mouldy and had been there a long time and nobody paid any attention to it. There was beauty in the decay of the whole place.

Price(GBP): £1,800.00

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